Annual Review, Part 2

Part two of the Annual Review is: Where do you want to be in the future (financially & physically)?
The way to figure out where you want to be…is to DREAM.
What does that mean? It means looking at where you are today, and thinking about what you really want for your future.
Do you want to be working the same job, living in the same place, driving the same car? If you do, that’s great! Having a life that you love is a blessing that few people have.
If not…what are your dreams?
One of my dreams is to have an Airstream Interstate 19. It’s basically a small motor home that is perfect for one or two people to travel in. I can visit my clients anywhere in the US, easily! That’s one of my targets.
Yours might be to buy a house, or a specific new car, plan a trip of a lifetime, or to make sure you can pay for your kids to go to college without loans….the options are endless.
Dream. BIG. Write them down. Don’t worry about how you’ll get there, just start the process. Here is an example:
Every 90 days I revisit my Long Term Goals:
- Dream about all the wonderful places you’d like to visit, experiences you’d like to have
- Think about a small step that will move you in that direction
- Look at how far you’ve come with Gratitude
- Most important – Repeat 1 through 3 every 90 days!
This process keeps you engaged with your dreams…
And as you start dreaming, think about when you want to make these dreams happen. One year? Three years? Five?
There are products that can help you get there. Rich people have been using them for years – I make them accessible to everyday people. I call them “dream policies” – no, that’s not their real name, however, that’s what they do, make dreams come true.
Making your dreams come true takes discipline. It might mean not going out to dinner as often. It might mean not buying that cute outfit, or not buying those new shoes. It might mean not going to the club, or to a concert.
It also takes discernment. You won’t have the same dreams as your momma, or your child, or your best friend. Momma might want to buy a new house, but you might want to visit every country in the world. Your child might want to buy a specific car, but you might want to be able to volunteer with an organization that’s important to you. Your best friend might want to backpack through Latin America, but you might want to take a cruise around the world.
What are your dreams? How are you going to get there?
We’ll talk a little more about that next month.
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