Annual Review, Part 3

Part three of the Annual Review is: How are you going to get from where you are now to where you want to be?
So we’ve talked about getting your numbers together to see where you are now , and dreaming about your goals for the future . Now it’s time to put it together and figure out how to get from Point A, where you are, to Point B, where you want to be.
It’s time for execution.
To execute, you have to be focused. You have to have those monthly conversations with your spouse or partner, or journal for yourself. These conversations, these journal entries, are going to give us the targets that you want to reach to make your dreams come true. Those targets are going to let me know, as your broker, what vehicles we can use to help you get there, and what you will need to do to get into those insurance vehicles.
You are in the driver’s seat.
You are the conduit to the execution.
You are the innovator of the execution.
Only you will do what you know you can do.
Maybe you’re getting your tax return money soon – what are you going to do with it? Are you going to go shopping, maybe splurge on dinner out with friends? Or are you going to put it towards your goals and dreams, towards your targets?
That’s what execution is all about. Putting that tax return money towards your targets. Putting that bonus from work towards your dreams. Putting that raise towards your goals. Making your money work for you.
That’s where things can get difficult, and sometimes overwhelming.
Money is meant to WORK for you. Wealthy people talk about this all the time, with each other, with their children. We everyday people talk about it, what, once a year? Once or twice a lifetime? I said to have monthly conversations – that’s the bare minimum.
There are so many vehicles that you can use to make your dreams, your goals, your targets, a reality. There’s IRAs, there’s annuities, there’s different kinds of life insurance, all kinds of things. What’s gonna work will vary from person to person and family to family. And it can get really confusing and overwhelming.
But that’s what I’m here for. To make it a little easier, and get you the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your family – and your future.
Ready to start putting it all together? Let’s talk. Click here to make an appointment with me.
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